The Past Beneath Our Feet

Task Description: Ola, Hello and greetings to all !! So today I wanted to show you my task I did today! This book is called The past beneath our feet. So First we had to read a book called ‘The Past Beneath Our Feet.’  Then Mr Hughes showed Thor (reading group name) and I how to do our task for this week. 


Please leave a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment on my blog. THANK YOU MR HUGHES !!! 

Recount: My Journey To School !!

My Journey to School

This week you are going to be creating a recount all about your journey to school. Think about all of the things you did this morning to get yourself ready for school.

Planning notes
Intro: 5Ws

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3


Now that you have finished your plan, start writing your story. Don’t forget:
Who, what, when, where, why to introduce the event.
Write it in an order of events.
Be descriptive, share as many details as you can.
Use correct sentence punctuation, and try experimenting with others.
Group your ideas into paragraphs.

Start your writing here:

→ One sunny, windy Monday morning, I woke up and realized that it’s school time !! So I scrambled out of bed, and ran to my cousin’s room (Suliano). “WAKE UP, WAKE UP !!” I yelled. He scrambled out of bed and was giving me a confused look. “Come on, it’s school time !!” I said with excitement.

So Suliano and I walked down the hallways and said good morning to our grandmother. “What are you both doing up at six ??” Said grandmother. “It’s school time !!” We both replied with happiness. Next Suliano and I walked to the kitchen and made our breakfast.

My breakfast was butter on toast. While my cousin ate french toast made by our professional grandmother.. After we got ready, it was seven twenty two. So we had to wait until eight O’clock because our grandmother wouldn’t let us. After a few minutes watching TV,

Suliano and I looked at the time and it was 8:09. So we kissed our grandmother and grandfather. After that we waved goodbye and walked to school. As we got to school, Suliano and I went separate ways.

We go separate ways to go play with our friends !!

And that is how I get to school with my cousin !!

Using The Five Senses

Task Description: Kia ora, Ola and greetings readers !! Today I want to share you my writing task I did, this week. The first one was sight, the second one was smell, after smell is taste then touch and lastly sounds. If you are still getting confused, you can look at slide three to six, for some help !! 

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Problem solving – Addition + Subtraction (L3)

Task Description: Ola, Hello and greetings to all. Today I wanted you to show you my work I did today! I found this easy and also hard. I said easy and hard because everything was easy expect for the last page. I tried to found out what the answer is. So I asked Mr Hughes for some help. And he did help me!


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Word Work

Task Description: Ola, hello and greetings readers. Today I want to show you my work I did today. First we had to come up with a sentence. Then on the last page I had to come up with another sentence and do the actions. It was very hard but easy. 

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Recount: Joy

Recount: Joy
Recount a time when you felt JOY.

Intro – who, what, when, where, why
What: Me and my family went to whitianga (Down south)
Who: Me, Suilano and our family.
When: In the school holidays. In November, 2024.
Where: at whitianga which was down south.
Why: For a trip!
Beginning – how does it start?
First me and my brother Josh packed our stuff and waited for my cousin’s mum. After she came, my other aunty was behind my cousin’s mum with my godparents. So I went with Sana (my aunty). As I hopped in, I felt Joy in me! A few minutes later, we stopped at Mcdonalds. When I hopped out of the car, I saw my uncle! I gasped and went in. As I went in, I saw his girlfriend with his son and cousin lily. “Hi Sarah and Kane.” I said.
Middle – what is happening?
After we had a feed at Mcdonalds, we all went and followed my cousin’s mother’s car. As we took off, we were on the motorway. It took like 3 hours or 4 to be there. After we got into town, we stopped and filled up the cars. As we all finished filling up we drove to whitianga. When we got to whitianga, we went to a cafe. After eating, we walked to a shop and got strawberry ice cream. Then we saw our new house that we are sleeping in.
End – how does it end?
After three days in whitianga, we all went back to our real houses!

Make sure you use descriptive language to make the story more interesting. Pull the readers in to read YOUR writing, make it fun!

Start your writing here:

→On a windy wet Thursday, I woke up and remembered I was going on a trip with my brother. So I knocked on my brother’s door and went in. “WAKE UP !!” I yelled. He woke up and looked everywhere. “Come on, get ready, it’s six.” I said. “What?” he replied. “What do you mean? It’s…. Trip time!!” I said with excitement.

He told me to get out so that he can change. So I went out of his room and woke up my mother instead. She got up and got my stuff from upstairs, in my room. After a few minutes, my brother came out carrying his stuff.

So I decided to help him carry it. Then mum got a text from my cousin’s mother saying they will come at seven. So me and my brother rushed and waited for them. I felt very sad for my mum.

I felt sad because she couldn’t come. She had work. Then after it was seven, we heard a truck beep. We all knew it was my aunty (Una). So we went outside with our stuff and said goodbye to our mum.

Then after we put our stuff in the trunk, I heard a voice say “Mary.” My nickname. I turned around and saw my other aunty at the back. “Hi Sana!” I replied. “Come, you are with us.” She said,

After I kissed and said goodbye to mum, I went inside my aunty’s car and got excited. When I got in, I saw my godparents. My godmother was at the front with my aunty while my godfather was at the back with me!

Then we stopped at mcdonalds. I look through the window with joy and excitement. As I opened the door, I saw my uncle’s girlfriend’s car. So I went inside with Suliano and saw my uncle’s girlfriend’s son (Kane).

Sarah and Pou (my uncle and uncle’s girlfriend’s name) looked at me and Suliano. They were super happy to see me and Suliano. Even Kane! After we had a feed, we all went back to our cars, and drove off.

When all of us got to the motorway, I started falling asleep. Then my godmother woke me up. I looked out of the window and noticed that we were at a beach. “We’re here !!” Said Sana with excitement.

As I got out we walked across the road and went to the cafe shop. When we waited for the others, we decided to order our food now. Then after everyone was there, they ordered their food too.

After we all ate food, we decided to go eat some ice cream and then see our house that we will be sleeping in. “Adam and Josh, go see if there’s an ice cream shop somewhere.” My godmother said.

So Adam and Josh walked across the road and found an ice cream shop nearby. SoWe decided to walk there. Then the two little kids (Lily and Kane) were too far away from us.

So Suliano and I decided to run with them and keep them safe. Then we had to walk across the road. So we did. And ordered some ice cream. After that everyone got to their cars and went to the new house.

After a few minutes we got there. “Wow…” I said. I looked upstairs and everywhere. It was so big! Even a game room. So everyone got ready for the beach.

After the beach we all came home and went inside the gaming room. And played darts, Jenga, ping pong and 8 ball pool. After three days we all went home!


School Picnic

Recount: School Picnic
Recount our time at the Pt England School Picnic

Intro – who, what, when, where, why
What: Me and room 8 walked to Te Kapua for our picnic.
Who: with the other students, teachers and parents.
When: Friday the 14th of February. 2025.
Where: First we all met in Te Kapua, then walked to the pt england beach.
Why: For a school picnic
Beginning – how does it start?
First all of us met at Te Kapua. Then after Mr Burt’s talk with us, we all walked to the pt england beach. After we got there. Each team sat on their class lines. Then after Mr Burt’s second talk with us. All of us choose our spots. Me and some of the girls chose the tree close to the playground. So Mckenna and I decided to make a mat together. Next Anais and Peyton joined us.
Middle – what is happening?
When team one, team two and team three had their swim, it was team four and five turn. I got changed into my swimming togs, and got ready for a dive in. After two people went for a dive, it was my turn. So I ran and jumped in! It was very cold when I went diving. So I decided to go for another one. After a few minutes, we had to get out. So we all did. Then after I got changed and I played with Ratai, Peyton, Anais.
End – how does it end?
After our school picnic, we all packed up, and walked back. I walked back with Jonah. Then it was home time. I walked with my cousin back home. And went to sleep. Then I told my family the whole story! The END

Make sure you use descriptive language to make the story more interesting. Pull the readers in to read YOUR writing, make it fun!

Start your writing here:

→On a Windy, sunny Friday morning, I woke up at six and got ready for school at seven! Then after I was done, I woke up my dad and told him to drop me off. After a few minutes, I waited for him. “Let’s go.” He said.

I looked at him with excitement and walked with him to the car. Then I kissed mum goodbye and went inside the car. As I waited, we were at school. “Bye have a good day, I’ll pick you up at six.” He said with happiness.

I waved goodbye and walked inside the school grounds. Then I walked to class and went inside. “Good morning Mr Hughes!” I said with excitement. “Good morning.” He replied.

I walked to my table, and said good morning. Then after that, Mr Hughes called us to the mat. As I sat down on the mat, I couldn’t believe what I saw next. Room 8 and I get to watch a video. So we watched until the bell rang.

A few minutes later, room 8 and I heard the bell. Then Mr Hughes turned off the TV and told us to go outside and line up. So I went with Mckenna and couldn’t wait.

Mr Hughes came outside and all waited until room 10 went. After room 10, we went. As we went through the breeze, we saw everyone else sitting on the ground except for teachers and parents. After Mr Burt’s talk with us. We all started walking.

While we were all walking to the pt england beach, I told Mckenna my holiday story. After my story it was her turn to tell her story. As we all went past the playground, all of us sat in the grass and had Mr Burt’s second talk with us.

A few minutes later, we all get to choose our spots but between the park and the big tree. So some of the girls chose the little tree. After that, Mckenna and I decided to make a big mat out of our spare towels.

So we did! Then Anais and Peyton joined us. After a few hours, team 1 went for a swim, team 2 went for a swim, team 3 went for a swim then team 4 and 5 went for a swim. I was in team 4.

After we had a swim, me and Ratai were playing tag. I was kinda wet but dry. Then we went to the girls. (Peyton and Anais). “Hey guys!” I said with excitement. “Hello!” They both replied.

So we decided to lay down with them. After a few hours later, it was almost home time. Then all of us had to pack up for home time. After everyone packed up, we had to sit on the grass again. For the third talk.

Next, everyone started to start walking when he finished his third talk. As we got to class, everyone said bye. And that’s the end of my story.


Early Maori History (Part 2)

Task Description: Hello, Ola and greetings to all. Today at school, I finished the Early Maori History part two! If you look at slide two it’s kinda similar to part one. If you go to the last page you can see it’s the same thing as part one.

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My Mihi

Task Description: Ola, Kia Ora and greetings to all. Today I wanted to share you my mihi I did at my house. First I decided to do my mihi because it sounded fun to do. After finishing my task, I wanted to blog it and show you all. I found this easy to do. How was it easy? First I just had to say my mihi and karakia. After that, I had to put photos that is most important to me which was friends, family, rugby, netball and Jesus Christ our lord. 

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