Year: 2023

Spy mouse!

On a busy day and morning, a mouse woke up from a long long sleep! Next he went outside and saw the sun shining in his eyes. When the mouse noticed that it was going to be a sunny day he made a plan already and got changed as fast as she could. Then she had spy stuff all over the place: the bed, the room and also the living room too. When the mouse got ready for tonight first she ate, then got change for tonight. Later that night, the mouse went to someone’s house and went everywhere to look for the cheese that’s hiding somewhere. At midnight, the mouse saw people going to their room to sleep! But the parents in the living room waited until the postman came and gave the boxes to the parents! When the mouse waited until they went to bed, the mouse think what was in the box. So the mouse went to the darkest spot near the living room. The mouse wanted to see what was in the boxes before she got the cheese. When the mouse got a little closer to the boxes, the parents opened the boxes and heard a sound from the kids in their rooms. So the parents opened the boxes and went to check on the kids if they were crying. Next the parents opened the doors and checked the kids if they were okay. After the parents were laying with the kids in their beds. The mouse looked at the kids door and didn’t see any parents near the door so the mouse went on top of the box and saw lots of cheese! But when the mouse got a surprise from the box the mouse looked at the other box and then saw lot’s of mouse traps! The mouse looked so confused but then she heard the parents close the kids doors and heard the parents coming and talking on the way. SO the parents came into the living room and saw the boxes and put them together for the mouse to die. Later that night, The mouse heard her master talk in the mic and said “are coming home and giving the cheese to me yet!” The master yelled at her. So the mouse muted her mic to not talk with the master. But then the parents got to work! The mouse keep watching them until they were done. But the parents were so tired so they went to go and drink coffee. To be continued!!!!

Choose it Pt 1

Begin Writing Here: Once upon a time, there were little baby girls in the cot sleeping but the mum was so happy that the dad left them for being unkind to the mum for not going to the forest with them. But when mum checked the babies, Layla was crying for dad so the mum held her so tight and felt so sorry for dad leaving them. So mum put layla down and got ready to go to the forest to see the bears and the tigers. So the mum got the baby girls ready but layla wasn’t ready. To be continued.