Tag: story

The meerkat story

In the morning, at 6:00 am at africa. Me and my family went outside to get some food but then our mum stopped us and said “wait a minute”. She said when we were next to the door. We all paused a little bit for mum because of how she stopped us. Then she said “ NO Wait. . . . I’m going to check the time, if it’s past 6:30 then we go outside the get the food”. She said with a tired face. Next me and my sisters, Hannah, lina and millie stopped. We all talked about wanting to go outside. When mum left us in the living room with the door, she went to my room and told herself “Mmm soooo. . MESSY!” she said with a shocked smile. After mum went to my room to check the time there. Me and the sisters waited and waited until. . . Millie opened the door for a little tiny peek. After she opened it a little, me and the older sisters caught her opening it. I tapped her and made a sign saying NO! Then she looked at me and made a sign saying YES! Then we each kept signing to each other until mum came with the clock and said “it’s 5:59 am, kids so ummm let’s go outside. But WAIT. . . one each at a time.” she said. But me and millie didn’t care so we just opened the door until. . . . MONSTERS CAME OUTSIDE WAITING FOR US!

TV Mum.

Task Description: Hello everyone, I have been learning about “TV Mum”.  This book is about  a mother that works in shop and when the mum comes home and starts to watch the TV while the kids had an idea. So the kids thinks to hide the TV in behind the couch and just say the uncle John had went to go to fix it. But the kids thinks it make a fake TV while the kids can be in the fake TV. when the mum came back from work, the mum ask where was the “TV?”.

A bunch of bananas

Task Description: Today I have  learned to read the book ” A Bunch Of Bananas” .  So it was about a girl called Hope. She wanted to surprise her grandmother with some bananas. When she went in the  afternoon because in afternoons it’s sunny and mostly raining. Where, outside the market and and also inside the market. Who, just her no one else. what was Hope doing, get some bananas for grandmother.      Thanks for reading!

Hui Te Rangiora: The Navigator.

Task Description: Today I have learned is  about the Navigator from ages ago. So there was a man that went to the ice land called “Antarctica”.  Then the man saw heaps of  bird going there so he decided to follow the birds and they went back to new Zealand and so the man didn’t care so he still went.

The little girl’s dream

Task Description: today I learned about doing my animation which is about cars racing and beating each other but some of them want to win! SO there are a little girl who always wanted to talk about the cars  that was going to race in the after noon at 4 pm at the after noon! So she asked her dad for money to go to the racing cars but her dad said “no you’re too small darling maybe try again I have to go somewhere you’re coming with me okay, auntie might pick you up maybe to spend time with you!” said dad.


Then someone came to the door and said “hello is anyone home”  said Auntie. Then the little girl came near the door with a  very surprised face and thinking who it is!  So the little girl went near the door and said “hello my dad is in the room oh wait it’s auntie!” She said with a loud voice in her head and mouth! Then she got so so happy that she couldn’t say a word from her mouth! So she opened the door for auntie to come in. Then the little girl said “Auntie do you know the racing car race that is coming up today at 4 pm?” She said very surely with her mouth closed. Then the Auntie said “well I know it very much and I going there alone so if you want to come you can because we can go get something to eat first?” she said with a smart voice to get the little girl happy.


So the girl went up to dad’s room and said “dad Auntie is here I’m going with her to eat okay you can maybe go somewhere where you’re going!” She said with a happy voice! The End